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Personal Information
Born: before 2902 BC[1]
Died: August 1, 2010 (scattered)
Alias: Mother Earth, Earth Mother, the Voice (by Hazel Levesque)
Title(s): Protogenos of the Earth
Element: Earth (nearly unlimited)
Species: Protogenos
Gender: Female
Family: Chaos (father)
Scotus (brother)
Nox (sister)
Tartarus (brother-husband)
Caelus, Pontus (sons/ex-husbands)
Elder Titans, Hecatoncheires, Elder Cyclopes, Campe, Typhon, Python, Gigantes, Antaeus, Gemini, Nereus, Thaumas, Phorcys, Ceto, Eurybia, Charybdis, Couretes (children)
Occupation: the Earth
Affiliation: Gigantes
Titans (somewhat)
Loyalty: Herself
Her children (mostly)
"Such a valuable pawn. Do not fear, Percy Jackson. Come north! Your friends will die, yes. But I will preserve you for now. I have great plans for you."
— Terra in a vision, to Perseus Jackson[[{{{4}}}|[src]]]

Terra is the embodiment of the Earth, Roman counterpart of Gaea, Roman aspect of the vakha Kemen, and last[2]daughter of Chaos. Married to her son Caelus, the Sky, she gave birth to the Elder Titans, Elder Cyclopes, and Hekatonkheires. However, Caelus was disgusted with the appearance with his last two groups of children and threw them into Tartarus. An enraged Terra then had her youngest Titanic son Saturn kill his father and take over the universe. After marrying her other son Pontus, the Sea and having no less than five children with him, she went into a period of rest.

However, Saturn also became a tyrannic king and swallowed his children to prevent being overthrown. Terra was infuriated when Saturn threw the Elder Cyclopes and Hekatonkheires back into Tartarus after she had them released, and helped Ops prevent Saturn from swallowing their sixth child together, Jupiter. Jupiter then overthrew Saturn and freed his siblings. Terra eventually divorced Pontus and married Tartarus, going back to her rest period. However, after the Titanomachy, Jupiter threw the Titans that fought against the Olympians into Tartarus, with the exception of Atlas, who was given the Titan's Curse. Although the neutral Titans and the ones that fought with the Olympians remained free and the Elder Cyclopes and Hekatonkheires were finally liberated for good (until the Second Titanomachy, when the last Hekatonkheire, Briares, was imprisoned by the Titans), Terra was not pleased with the state of the Titans that fought the Olympians and waged war against them after giving birth to the Gigantes, born to fight the Olympians and vulnerable only to a god and a demigod working together. However, the Gigantes were killed thanks to the combined work of the Olympians and the demigods Hercules and Bacchus. Terra then sent her son Typhon to finish the Olympians off, only to fail again. Terra then surrendered and returned to her slumber.

During World War II, however, Terra began to rise again and had Alcyoneus reborn in Alaska through the use of Marie and Hazel Levesque, a lover and daughter of Pluto, respectively. However, Hazel finally rebelled against Terra just when Alcyoneus was about to return and interrupted the process, lulling Terra back to sleep. While slumbering, however, Terra was informed by Medea, who was in the Fields of Punishment, that Leonidas Valdez was destined to have a part in the Demigods of Seven, a group that would attempt to interfere in Terra's plotting to overthrow Olympus. Terra visited Valdez and killed his mother Esperanza before going back to her sleep. However, after the Second Titanomachy, when the Titans were thrown back into Tartarus, Kronos was scattered, and Typhon was imprisoned in the sea by Neptune, Terra gained control over the Doors of Death and chained Letus in order to allow the dead to return to the mortal world and help her overthrow the Olympians.

Terra then had Porphyrion rise again, along with the other Gigantes. Although Terra was eventually awakened due to the spilled blood of Annabeth Chase and Perseus Jackson, allowing Terra to attack Camp Half-Blood, where the New Roman armies were attacking. However, before Terra could cause much damage, Leonidas Valdez and the bronze dragon Festus scattered her when she was lured in the sky away from her domain and weakened even further by Piper McLean's charmspeak, defeating her.

Titanic counterpart(s)

  • Ops (as goddess of the earth and maternal figure, as well as queen of the universe)

Olympian counterpart(s)

  • Ceres (as goddess of the earth)
  • Juno (as maternal figure and queen of the universe)

Alternate vakha aspects

  • Greek: Gaea (as embodiment of the Earth)
  • Egyptian: Geb (as embodiment of the Earth)
  • Norse: Jord (as embodiment of the Earth)

Notes and references

  1. Terra was evidently born before her nephew Jupiter, who was born before 2902 BC. (See Jupiter page for more information.)
  2. See Gaea page