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Personal Information
Born: before c. 2902 BC[1]
Alias: Cybele
Great Mother
Title(s): Queen of Othrys
Titaness of Fertility, Earth, Motherhood, and Generation
Element: Earth
Species: Titan
Gender: Female
Distinguishing Features: Dark curly shoulder-high hair, meadow-green eyes, bright smile
Family: Chaos (maternal grandfather)
Gaea (mother/paternal grandmother)
Ouranos (father)
Oceanus, Koios, Krios, Hyperion, Iapetus, Elder Cyclopes, Hekatonkheires (brothers)
Theia, Themis, Tethys, Mnemosyne, Phoebe (sisters)
Kronos (brother-husband)
Hestia, Demeter, Hera (daughters)
Hades, Poseidon, Zeus, Midas (sons)
Occupation: Titaness of Fertility, Earth, Motherhood, and Generation
Affiliation: Olympians
Loyalty: Olympus
Residence: Olympus
"Apollo, Grandson, beautiful child...Has being a god ever stopped someone from being stupid?"
— Rhea to Apollo[[{{{4}}}|[src]]]

Rheia (Rhea) (Ancient Greek: flow, ease), also known as Kybele (Cybele), is the Titaness of fertility, earth, motherhood, and generation and the Greek aspect of Ops and the vakha Atara. The daughter of Ouranos and Gaea, Rhea married her youngest brother Kronos and became queen of the Titans. However, fearing the prophecy of Ouranos, Kronos became a tyrannical king and began swallowing his own children when they were born. As a result, Gaea helped Rhea save her last child, Zeus, by having her raise him on Crete and give Kronos a rock to swallow instead. Zeus grew up to free his siblings and overthrow Kronos, and Rhea supported the Olympians in the Titanomachy, managing to convince all her sisters to either do the same or remain neutral.

Rhea retained a place of power after the war for supporting the Olympians and was able to make decisions concerning her children when advising Poseidon to explore his new domain of the seas and sending Hera to Oceanus and Tethys for her to learn to control her temper. Millennia later, Rhea stayed out of the Second Titanomachy during Kronos's comeback attempt and warned Apollo about Triumvirate Holdings when he had become mortal.


  • Primordial Language: Rhea is completely fluent in the Primordial Language, which was spoken by the Protogenoi, Titans, Elder Cyclopes, and Hekatonkheires.
  • Aura of Comfort: Rhea emits an aura of comfort and ease.
  • Animal Control: Rhea enjoys animals, which are drawn to her, especially her sacred animals, lions, and can control them easily.
  • Persuasion: Rhea was able to persuade nearly all the female Titans not to side with the Titans.
  • Prophecy: Rhea planted the Oracle of Dodona, and the Oracle's power came from her.



Protogenos counterpart(s)

  • Gaea (as goddess of the earth and queen of the universe)

Olympian counterpart(s)

  • Hera (as goddess of motherhood and queen of the universe)
  • Aphrodite (as goddess of fertility)


  • Rhea is the namesake of a moon orbiting the planet Saturn, in turn named after the Roman aspect of her husband.
  • Rhea was Gaea's favorite daughter.
  • Rhea is the namesake of a species of flightless birds.
  • Rhea's name is shared with the Roman goddess Rhea Silvia, lover of Mars, wife of Tibernius, and mother of Romulus and Remus.
  • Rhea passed down at least one trait (either having to do with looks or personality) with all her children.
    • Hestia inherited Rhea's warm, comforting personality and wise traits.
    • Demeter inherited Rhea's love of animals.
    • Hera inherited Rhea's bright smile, gorgeous beauty, and protective maternal instincts.
    • Hades inherited Rhea's long shoulder-length black hair and tendency to hold long grudges.
    • Poseidon inherited Rhea's brilliant green eyes.
    • Zeus inherited Rhea's low tolerance of injustice.

Notes and references

  1. Rhea was evidently born before her son Zeus, who was born before 2902 BC. (See Zeus page for more information.)

Preceded by
Greek Divine Consort Monarch of the Universe
Unknown—before c. 2902 BC
Succeeded by