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Prokroustes (Procrustes)
Biographical Information
Other namesProcrustes (causal name)
Prokroustes (Procrustes) (grandfather name)
the Stretcher
Prokoptas (Procoptas)
AffiliationMonster (Greco-Roman)
Spoken language(s)Galactic Standard Basic
Ancient Greek
Death1256 BC (first death)
Crusty's Slightly Used Beds, Mount Korydallos June 20, 2006 (second death)
Crusty's Water Bed Palace, Los Angeles
First appearanceTheseus legend
Last appearanceThe Lightning Thief
Notable (for)Failing to kill the demigods Theseus of Athens and Perseus Jackson.
Family/HouseChildren of Poseidon
Marital statusSingle (most likely)
Immediate familyPoseidon (father/maternal half-nephew)
Gaea (mother/paternal great-grandmother)
Antaeus (brother)
Laestrygon (brother)
Charybdis (sister)
Extended familyChaos (ancestor)
Ouranos (paternal great-grandfather/maternal half-brother)
Kronos (paternal grandfather/maternal half-brother)
Rhea (paternal grandmother/maternal half-sister)
Elder Titans (paternal great-uncles and aunts/maternal half-siblings)
Elder Olympians (paternal uncles and aunts/maternal half-nephews and nieces)
Many half-siblings and other relatives
Physical Description
Height2.13 m (7 ft.)
SkinGray, leathery
WeaponryDouble-bladed brass axe
in the True World
Conceptualized and created byGreek mythology

Prokroustes (Procrustes), the Stretcher, also known as Prokoptas, Polypemon, or Damastes, was a robber half-Gigante son of Poseidon and, under the alias of "Crusty", owner of Crusty's Water Bed Palace, where he killed many unsuspecting customers. He was eventually outsmarted and killed by his half-brother, but as a Greco-Roman monster, eventually resurfaced, and returned to his tyranny until his next death by another half-brother, Perseus Jackson.



The half-Gigante Procrustes (meaning the Stretcher) was born to Poseidon, Olympian deity of the sea, and his grandmother Gaea, Protogenos of earth, during the times of Ancient Greece, where he eventually built a fiercely infamous reputation for his extreme strength and his skill with a knife.


Procrustes used his abilities to his advantage when opening the mall Crusty's Slightly Used Beds. He strapped customers to a bed of his/her choosing, the Crusty XL or the Crusty Nano. If they chose the Crusty XL, he stretched their bodies to fit the bed exactly. If they chose the Crusty Nano, he chopped off their appendages for the same purpose. Sometime later, he took on the alias of "Crusty" (from his name: Procrustes) to avoid suspicion, as his given name meant "the Stretcher". Eventually, another son of Poseidon, Theseus, future king of Athens and eventual slayer of the Minotaur, put an end to his tyranny by strapping him onto the Crusty Nano and chopping off his head and feet.

Regeneration and Second Death

As a monster, Procrustes eventually regenerated. He then rebuilt Crusty's Slightly Used Beds, renaming the mall Crusty's Water Bed Palace and taking possession of more copies of his two beds. He continued his tyranny until June 2006, when he encountered Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase, demigod children of Poseidon and his rival Athena, respectively, and their satyr guide Grover Underwood on the 20th. Although he managed to restrain Chase and Underwood, Jackson tricked Procrustes into "testing" a Crusty Nano model and severed his head and feet off just as Theseus did.

Family tree


Procrustes is seven feet tall and completely bald. He has gray leathery skin, thick eyes, and tartar yellow teeth. His smile appears cold and reptilian. He has a hairless chest and is said to appear like a viper.


Procrustes is merciless and cruel, but appears friendly and sympathizing at first. He shows no shame or sorrow at the many innocent people he kills, and is a perfectionist, hating when people do not fit his beds exactly, although he ironically does not fit his own beds. He also despises being questioned or mistrusted, as shown when he retaliated angrily when Theseus doubted the quality of his Crusty Nano. However, this might just be because the interrogation could potentially prevent him from killing the hero.


  • Hydrokinesis (possibly): As a son of Poseidon, it is possible that Procrustes has some control over water.
  • Monster Regeneration: As a monster, Procrustes is immortal to a degree and is never truly killed; he always returns via Tartarus.


  • Although Procrustes was killed by two half-brothers, he himself were continually unaware of their shared heritage.
  • Procrustes is said to look "crusty", living up to his nickname.
  • Procrustes is said to look snake-like. Snakes are associated with water, his father Poseidon's element.
    • Ironically, snakes are also the symbol of Poseidon's bitter rival Athena.