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Personal Information
Born: c. 538
Alias: Loser Lord (by Sokka)
Phoenix King of Getting His Butt Whooped (by Toph)
King of the Guys Who Don't Win (by Suki)
Title(s): Fire Lord (formerly)
Phoenix King (formerly)
Element: Fire
Species: Human (Bender, formerly)
Gender: Male
Distinguishing Features: Black long hair, amber eyes, light skin
Family: Sozin (paternal grandfather)
Azulon (father)
Ilah (mother)
Jinzuk (father-in-law)
Rina (mother-in-law)
Iroh (brother)
Ursa (wife, separated)
Zuko (son)
Azula (daughter)
Occupation: Fire Nation prisoner
Affiliation: Himself
Loyalty: Himself
Residence: Capital City Prison

敖載 (Aozai/Ozai) was the Fire Lord and absolute ruler of the Fire Nation during the final stage of the Hundred Year War. Second son of Fire Lord Azulon and Ilah, Ozai married Ursa, granddaughter of Avatar Roku and had two children with her: Zuko and Azula. Ozai then usurped his older brother Iroh's birthright to the throne and had Ursa poison his father, then banished her.

Ozai subsequently became Fire Lord and saw a mass buildup of industry during his rule. Like his father and grandfather before him, Ozai sought to conquer the other nations and become supreme leader of the world. Ozai also banished his son Zuko when he refused to fight his father in an Agni Kai match, and planned to utilize Sozin's Comet to burn down the Earth Kingdom after it was conquered by Azula. However, Avatar Aang prevented his plan and energybent his firebending abilities, leading Zuko to become Fire Lord and sentence Ozai to prison, possibly for life.


  • Firebending/Pyrokinesis (formerly): Ozai was a fierce, powerful, and skilled firebender; Zuko claimed that if Aang was unable to defeat him, the only other individual that could would be Iroh. However, his firebending abilities were energybent by Aang, removing his abilities to firebend.
  • Extreme Durability: Ozai was able to survive brutal impact with an Avatar State-enhanced wind blast.


  • In Chinese, Ozai's name is spelled 敖載: "proudly carry".
  • Katara is the only member of Team Avatar that Ozai has never been known to encounter.

Preceded by
Fire Lord
Succeeded by