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Personal Information
Died: Murder of Ouranos, before the Golden Age (scattered)
Alias: Father Sky
Father of the Titans
Title(s): Protogenos of the Sky
Lord of the Heavens
Element: Air
Species: Protogenos
Gender: Male
Distinguishing Features: Tall and muscular, long dark hair, skin blue with cloudy patterns (during the day), dark with glimmering stars (during the night)
Family: Chaos (grandfather)
Gaea (mother-wife)
Elder Titans, Elder Cyclopes, Hekatonkheires, Erinyes, Aetna, Aphrodite (children)
Occupation: Protogenos of the Sky
Affiliation: Himself
Loyalty: Himself
Residence: the Sky
"If you do this, Kronos, I will curse you! Someday your own children will destroy you and take your throne, just as you are doing to me!"
— Ouranos curses Kronos[[{{{4}}}|[src]]]

Ouranos (Uranus) (Ancient Greek: sky, heaven, pronunciation: oo-RAH-NOHS) (Modern pronunciation: YOU-ruh-nus, YOU-ray-nus) was the Greek Protogenos of sky, Greek aspect of Caelus and the vakha Menel, and son, as well as husband, of Gaea. Ouranos and Gaea had three sets of children: the Elder Titans, Elder Cyclopes, and Hekatonkheires. However, Ouranos was disgusted at the appearances of their latter two sets of children and had them thrown into Tartarus, enraging Gaea and causing her to tell their youngest Titanic son, Kronos, to scatter Ouranos.

Ouranos's blood and body parts eventually caused more monsters to be born, including the Erinyes, who were born in union of Nyx and Ouranos's blood. However, the most well-known child of Ouranos born in this manner was Aphrodite, daughter of Ouranos and Thalassa.




Titanic counterpart(s)

  • Kronos (as ruler of the sky and king of the universe)

Olympian counterpart(s)

  • Zeus (as ruler of the sky and king of the universe)

Vakha alternate aspect(s)


  • Ouranos is the namesake of Uranus, the seventh planet in the solar system from the sun.
  • Ouranos is the namesake of the periodic element Uranium.
  • Ouranos is the namesake of Ouranophobia (Uranophobia), the fear of heaven.
  • Ouranos's defeat was remembered in order to defeat his mother and wife Gaea.
  • Other than Gaea as a single parent, there are other myths concerning Ouranos's parentage.
  1. Aether and Gaea
    1. Aether as a single parent
    2. Aether and Hemera
  2. Nyx
  3. Khronos (born from the "World Egg")


  1. Although it is referred to as "darkness", the darkness actually corresponds to the element of "Shadow", as the element "Darkness" actually corresponds to spiritual darkness, such as evil.

Preceded by
Greek Divine Monarch of the Universe
Unknown—Murder of Ouranos
Succeeded by