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Personal Information
Born: before 2902 BC[1]
Alias: The Earthshaker
The Stormbringer
Title(s): God of the Sea, Storms, Earthquakes, Droughts, and Floods
Lord of Horses
King of Atlantis
Element: Water
Species: Olympian
Gender: Male
Distinguishing Features: Presumably black hair and sea-green eyes
Family: Caelus (grandfather)
Terra (grandmother)
Saturn (father)
Ops (mother)
Nereus (uncle/father-in-law)
Doris (cousin/mother-in-law)
Vesta, Ceres, Juno (sisters)
Pluto, Jupiter (brothers)
Salacia (wife)
Antaeus, Arion, Bellerophon, Charybdis, Chrysaor, Chrysomallus, Cymopoleia, Despoina, Halirrhothius, Pegasus, Perseus Jackson, Phineas, Polyphemus, Procrustes, Rhode, Sciron, Theseus, Triton, Tyson, various others (children)
Occupation: God of the Sea, Storms, Earthquakes, Droughts, and Floods
King of Atlantis
Affiliation: Olympians
Loyalty: Olympus
Residence: Atlantis

King Neptunus (Neptune) is the Roman Olympian of the sea, earthquakes, hurricanes, oceans, destruction, droughts, floods, and storms, creator and lord of horses, and king of Atlantis, as well as the Roman aspect of both Poseidon and the vakha Alu. The son of Saturn and Ops, Neptune was swallowed whole by his father immediately upon birth before being rescued by his brother Jupiter. Pluto, Neptune, and Jupiter then rolled dice for the sharing of the universe afterwards and Neptune got the second-best roll and became god of the sea. Neptune then had the Elder Cyclopes construct his palace, Atlantis for him at the bottom of the sea after the Telechines helped him learn about the sea and his new trident. Neptune also married Salacia and had three children with her: Triton, Rhode, and Cymopoleia. Neptune also had many affairs with goddesses and mortal women, such as Theseus and Bellerophon, although Salacia rarely acted with hostility with those children or their mothers. Neptune also had a rivalry with Minerva, although they sometimes worked together when inventing the chariot and fighting in the Trojan War. Neptune and Juno also led the Olympian Riot, leading to Neptune being turned mortal by Jupiterand forced to work for King Laomedon of Troy, who refused to pay him. Neptune therefore resented the Trojans and attacked them at any opportunity, including the Trojan War.

Millennia later, during the Second Titanomachy, Neptune fought Oceanus and played a major role in the Battle of Manhattan, absorbing Typhon into a water channel leading to Tartarus. During the Great Divine Schism, Neptune and his Greek aspect Poseidon were split, leaving the god incapacitated. However, the Schism ended when New Roman praetor Reyna Ramírez-Arellano delivered the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood, allowing Neptune to participate in the Battle in Athens and help his Greek aspect's son Perseus Jackson kill Otis and Ephialtes.


As one of the Big Three, Neptune has the ultimate powers an Olympian can possess, only rivaled by his brothers Jupiter and Pluto.

  • Massive Strength: Neptune has incredible physical prowess and could easily carry six massive stone blocks simultaneously even when stripped of his immortality by Jupiter.
  • Hydrokinesis: As Lord of the Sea, Neptune has absolute control over water, although he is rivaled by his Titanic uncle Oceanus. Pontus is also vastly more powerful than Neptune as the Protogenos of the sea.
    • Hydrogenesis: Neptune can create water from his own power, generating it out of nothing.
    • Hear Resistance: Neptune has an extreme resistance to heat and burns, inferior only to that of his nephew Vulcan.
  • Aquatic and Equestrian Lordship: Neptune has absolute control and divine authority over all sea and equestrian creatures, having created the latter.
  • Geokinesis: As the god of earthquakes, Neptune can generate earthquakes.
  • Atmokinesis: Neptune can conjure storms over seas, such as hurricanes or typhoons. However, he can also stop them.
  • Shapeshifting: Neptune is very skilled at shapeshifting, frequently using this ability to attract mortal women like his brother Jupiter.

Protogenos counterpart(s)

  • Pontus (as god of the sea)
  • Terra (as god/goddess of earthquakes, presumably)

Titanic counterpart(s)

Vakha alternate aspect(s)


Various children


  • Neptune's children take their personalities from his changeable persona.
  • Neptune has had rivalries with the two rivals Minerva (for being accepted as patron goddess of Athens) and Mars (for killing Neptune's son Halirrhothius).
  • According to Perseus Jackson, Neptune has the most children out of all the Roman Olympians.
  • Neptune is the namesake of the eighth planet in the solar system from the sun, named after him for its blue coloration.

Notes and references

  1. Neptune was born before his brother Jupiter, who was born before 2902 BC. (See Jupiter page for more information.)