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Personal Information
Born: before the First Imprisonment of Juno[1]
Alias: The Gray-Eyed One
The Wise One
Title(s): Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy
Goddess of Arts and Crafts
Goddess of Poetry and Magic
Element: Mind (wisdom)
Species: Olympian
Gender: Female
Distinguishing Features: Long dark hair, gray eyes
Family: Caelus (great-grandfather)
Terra (great-grandmother)
Saturn (paternal grandfather)
Ops (paternal grandmother)
Oceanus (maternal grandfather)
Tethys (maternal grandmother)
Jupiter (father)
Metis (mother)
Juno (stepmother)
Neptune (paternal uncle/foster grandfather)
Triton (paternal cousin/foster father)
Erichthonius, Daedalus (children)
Occupation: Goddess of Wisdom, Strategy, and Warfare
Goddess of Arts and Crafts
Goddess of Battle and Reason
Affiliation: Olympians
Loyalty: Olympus
Residence: Olympus

Minerva is the Olympian of wisdom, strategy, warfare, arts, crafts, battle, and reason. Daughter of Jupiter and Metis and Roman aspect of Athena and the vakha Nomin, Minerva was born inside her father's body; Metis had been swallowed whole by Jupiter in fear of the Prophecy of Betrayal, leading to Minerva causing a headache in Jupiter's head. Vulcan then broke Jupiter's head open, allowing Minerva to escape.

Jupiter then sent Minerva to Lake Tritonis, where she met and accidentally killed the nymph Pallas. Minerva also gave Pandora the gift of cleverness and weaving, invented the flute, both cursed and blessed Teiresias, transformed Arachne into a spider, become patron goddess of Athens, helped with the Olympian Riot, and supported the Greeks in the Trojan War. When Rome conquered Greece, the original Athena became Minerva, a very different goddess, making the latter despise the Romans for downgrading her. Children of Athena would also start most demigod civil wars, while Minerva charged each of them with the Quest for the Athena Parthenos.

Millennia later, Minerva and Athena were split apart in the Great Divine Schism, soon after Minerva charged Annabeth Chase with following the Mark of Athena towards the Athena Parthenos. Chase became the first to succeed in finding the Parthenos. Eventually, the New Roman praetor Reyna Ramírez-Arellano returned the Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood, uniting the two camps and ending the Schism permanently. Minerva then proceeded to help Chase kill Enceladus in the Battle in Athens.




Titanic counterpart(s)

  • Metis (as goddess of wisdom)

Alternate vakha aspect(s)


  • The minor planet 93 Minerva is named after Minerva.
  • Minerva is featured on both the medal of honor, the highest military decoration awarded by the United States Government, and the state seal of California.

Notes and references

  1. Minerva escaped Jupiter's head with help from Vulcan, who imprisoned Juno in a throne as soon as he arrived. However, Bacchus was the one who encouraged him to free her, after he had become an Olympian. Therefore, the Gigantomachy had already past at that time, implying that Juno was imprisoned during the entire war. Minerva fought in the Gigantomachy; she escaped Jupiter's head before the war and after Vulcan arrived, during the early stages of Juno's imprisonment. Therefore, Minerva was born before. For more information, see Bachland Wiki:Greek Mythology Timeline.