Athena Parthenos

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The Athena Parthenos is a forty-foot-tall statue of the goddess Athena. Originally from the Parthenon of Athens, the Parthenos features an ivory Athena wearing a gold toga and holding the goddess Nike on her palm. The statue's other hand holds a shield, with a snake emerging from behind it. The Parthenos was stolen by the Romans to break the Greeks' spirit. The Romans then made Athena into the Roman goddess Minerva, who lost her status as a war goddess. Due to this, demigod civil wars were almost always started by children of Athena. Every subsequent generation succeeding the Parthenos's capture, Minerva charged one of Athena's children to recover the statue by following the Mark of Athena through Rome, with one ending up on Circe's Island. The Parthenos was protected by Arachne and an undead cult of the god Mithras. The statue was eventually recovered by the Demigods of Seven, and the feud between Greek and Roman demigods was settled by New Roman praetor Reyna Ramírez-Arellano when she brought the Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood.