1194 BC

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1194 BC

1194 BC Information
Previous: 1195 BC
Next: 1193 BC
BBY: 3136
LY: 141

FO: 2847
Conflicts: Trojan War
Head(s): Menestheus (King of Athens)
Menelaus (King of Sparta)
Priam (King of Troy)

Notable Events: Paris of Troy begins the Trojan War by abducting Helen.

1194 BC (1194 BCE) was a common year (dominical letter G[1]), a year in the 2nd millennium BC, 12th century BC, and 1190s BC decade. In other dating systems, the year is known as 3136 BBY (Galactic Calendar), 141 LY (Lothal Calendar), or FO 2847 (Fourth Age of the Sun).


Notes and references

  1. The distance between 1194 BC and the year 2007 is 3,200 years. Dominical letters repeat every 400 years, and 3,200 is a multiple of 400. The dominical letter of 2007 is G, so the dominical letter of 1194 BC must also be G.